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A brand is a set of convictions that surrounds a product or service in the consumer’s mind. At Sristi, we create, sustain and help grow these convictions. We have a set of beliefs about how these convictions can be grown. People want to believe, they don’t want to be pushed or forced or lectured.

Convictions are created via involvement, relationships, dialogues and not monologues.SRISTI kick starts the dialogue with a powerful idea. This takes the form of a rational argument vividly displayed or emotional affinity similarly displayed. Whenever possible, both at the same time.

We assess a consumer’s needs from the category and brand that fit with the firm’s offering, diagnosis of any prior experience the consumer may have had with the firm and products to deter purchase, study competitive offerings, development of analytics using demographic, behavioural and transactional data for profiling and targeting, communication programmes that could be single or multi-stage across addressable media to generate the desired action and continue the dialogue to report results and deliver on commitment.